New Shop Section
Behold! A new miscellaneous section in my shop! Now you can buy skins to Hammo up your iPods, iPads, iPhones (just 3G at the moment – apologies to the ultra-hip) and laptops. I’ll add more stuff in time.
Hammo is a freelance illustrator and mural painter based in Manchester
Behold! A new miscellaneous section in my shop! Now you can buy skins to Hammo up your iPods, iPads, iPhones (just 3G at the moment – apologies to the ultra-hip) and laptops. I’ll add more stuff in time.
Just thought I’d stick up the illustration I did for Damian Doyle’s Standing Sideways Sessions- Freestyle Shred Night, on at SNO!zone Castleford this Friday. Head up there for guaranteed snow based radness!
I know it was over a week ago now, but this news page needed some imagery! So, here is the canvas I painted at this year’s Eurocultured Festival in Manchester, alongside super-gents Jonathan Edwards and Guy McKinley.